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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Turkey earthquake: Two-week-old baby rescued

Rescue workers pulled a two-week old baby from the wreckage of a building 47 hours after a 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck eastern Turkey, killing hundreds of people.

Turkish rescuers carry Azra Karaduman, a two-week-old baby girl they have saved from under debris of a collapsed building in Ercis, Van, eastern Turkey, Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2011. Hundreds of people were killed Sunday after a powerful quake in eastern Turkey. (AP Photo)

Rescue workers carry a baby girl from a collapsed building in Ercis, near the eastern Turkish city of Van, October 25, 2011. Rescuers pulled a two-week-old baby girl alive from the arms of her mother, who had also survived but was still trapped in the rubble of their apartment on Tuesday, two days after a powerful earthquake in southeast Turkey. REUTERS/Stringer

Turkish rescuers carry Azra Karaduman, a two-week-old baby girl they have saved from under debris of a collapsed building in Ercis, Van, eastern Turkey, Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2011. The baby's mother, Semiha, was still alive, pinned next to a sofa inside the flattened building from where the child was rescued. A 7.2-magnitude earthquake toppled some 2,000 buildings in eastern Turkey, Sunday.(AP Photo)

The surviving grandmother of a baby girl rescued from a collapsed building is taken to an ambulance in Ercis, near the eastern Turkish city of Van, October 25, 2011. Rescuers pulled a two-week-old baby girl alive from the arms of her mother, who had also survived, two days after a powerful earthquake in southeast Turkey. REUTERS/Osman Orsal

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